Monday, November 15, 2010

Paula’s story with ongoing depression

Trusting in Jesus does not necessarily take away a depressive illness or any other illness for that matter. Trusting in Jesus will however, definitely help you get through it.

So let me start by clearly stating - just because someone is going through depression or has an anxiety disorder DOES NOT mean they are not trusting in God or not reading their bible or not praying enough. That would be just as stupid as saying to someone who has high blood pressure or high cholesterol you must not be trusting in God enough or reading your bible enough or not praying enough, or you would not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol!

What are the chances of being asked to do a book review on “Facing Depression Together” in the middle of a depression/anxiety relapse? Apparently quite high! God really does have a sense of humour and perfect timing. A depression relapse is extremely inconvenient but so incredibly humbling. Just when I thought I was forgetting what it was like to have full blown depression, I am suddenly immersed in a paralyzing episode.

The last 12 months have been quite stressful for my family. My husband was suddenly retrenched and then unemployed for 6 months at the same time my mother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was in and out of several hospitals for treatment before passing away in April this year. I had to have an operation then my hair started to fall out for no reason and then I found I lump in my breast after my aunt found a pre-cancerous lump in her breast! No wonder my antidepressants had stopped working just as I was asked to do this blog.

Here’s an extract from my diary at the time:

“11th July 2010.
Third week of school holidays. At the moment I am struggling to do the bare essentials at home like putting my clothes on, having a shower and cooking a meal. My kids have had McDonalds 3 times this week. (Hope DOCS doesn’t find out!) I am so disappointed in myself for feeling this way. I feel like a failure. I have been fighting it for months and have finally succumbed. I feel such emotional pain after attending church or bible study. Pain from not connecting with people. So lonely. Feeling worse after spending time there. I just feel so disconnected. I feel so flat. Can’t stop crying. I can’t leave the house with the kids because the stress of not being able to control them is overwhelming. My arms have been tingling all day and I have a stress headache. I feel like a failure. Don’t want to tell anyone at church because they will not understand and will judge me.”

Question: So how does someone in the middle of a depression relapse in July, respond to a request to write a blog on “Facing Depression Together” in November? Here are my choices:-

a. Yes - I’ll do it (code for I am feeling really normal today but I will probably have to pull out at the last minute and let you down)
b. No - I can’t (code for yes I can but don’t want to disappoint you in case my relapse is a really long one)
c. Yes - I would love to but I’m currently in middle of relapse so don’t know how I will be feeling in November – can you ask me again in October (code for I’m being very honest but slightly embarrassed and I’ll probably never be asked to do any ministry again for the rest of my life…)

Answer: C

So here I am writing a blog not 100% better but substantially improved since July – I am still not at full capacity but content to just do the things I can do when I can. When I am really well I can do 100 things at once and I’m very productive on so many levels. But when I struggle with depression I just have to see what happens day by day. This can make “serving” as a Christian in church very difficult. On the outside I can appear really well and people assume I’m at full capacity and ask me to be on every committee but on the inside I’m a total mess just treading water. The guilt and sense of failure associated with not being able to serve as I would like to, is overwhelming sometimes.

Having a depression relapse has actually been a blessing in disguise and very humbling. I have surprisingly been able to thank God for this round of sickness as it forces me to my knees and brings me closer to Him (it also gives me great content for this week’s blog!) I have no where else to go but to Jesus! “He is my rock and my fortress; for His name’s sake He leads me and guides me (Psalm 31.3).

I just have to keep clinging to these beautiful words: “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.(Matthew 11:28)


Kath said...

Thanks again Paula, for your honesty and sharing the story of journeying with depression. What strikes me is that even as you suffer and are depleted, you feel guilt and failure at not being able to serve and be active as you wish you were. Thank goodness for the grace of God, that he loves us in all seasons, the fruitful summer and the barren winter.
Your story reminded me of something I read about Brother Lawrence, that he saw a barren leafless tree and he thought of the tree's coming season of leaves and fruit. He praised God's grace, providence and power in both aspects of the tree, and the unconditional love of God.
I loved that you turn to Jesus reassurance and promise of rest for the weary. It sounds like you and your family have endured a really difficult year in many ways.
My prayers are with you.

Kylie says thankyou said...

Thankyou so so so much Paula for sharing your story and ongoing battle with depression with us all. I have forwarded your blog to a number of women, who have all commented how it was "their story". They were emotioanally struck by your story and I was too. A lot of your story is too my story. How tricky is it getting depression out there openly?? People dont want to know! They only want to know you when you are feeling "up". As you are well aware depression can be and is SO debilitating and draining. At times so difficult to just function, let alone carry out all the roles we have to and on top of that be social!!! So I personally thankyou. I just love how your story of real struggle and hardship can be a witness to the Lord Jesus. Praise God for you and your story Paula. All the very best for your ongoing recovery. My thoughts are with you. God Bless. Kylie xxxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paula,

When I was reading this part of the blog, I just started crying, because I go through these thoughts often, even when I'm asked to take part in something very small:

"Question: So how does someone in the middle of a depression relapse in July, respond to a request to write a blog on “Facing Depression Together” in November? Here are my choices:

a. Yes - I’ll do it (code for I am feeling really normal today but I will probably have to pull out at the last minute and let you down)
b. No - I can’t (code for yes I can but don’t want to disappoint you in case my relapse is a really long one)
c. Yes - I would love to but I’m currently in middle of relapse so don’t know how I will be feeling in November – can you ask me again in October (code for I’m being very honest but slightly embarrassed and I’ll probably never be asked to do any ministry again for the rest of my life…)"

I feel normal and capable at the time I say 'Yes', and I feel rotten to say 'No' when I'm feeling fine, but who knows what state my mind or emotions will be in, on the day I'm meant to do whatever I said yes to?

Thank God that he loves even me, regardless of what I can or cannot 'deliver'. Jesus paid it all for me to have a living relationship with him. And thank God also for a very gracious church family who pray and still give me room to try, even on the days I think I cannot do it.