Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Naked God - Pt5

In Chapter 10 Ayers lays out the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. He also spells out what the resurrection tells us about Jesus - namely that he is the champion over death, but not only that – he is the ruler over the world and ultimate judge. These are stunning realizations.

When I was in high school, struggling with my doubts again and again as a Christian, it was the evidence for the resurrection of Christ that I kept coming back to. Sometimes on a daily basis, as I lay in bed, in my mind I would run through the evidence for, and implications of, the resurrection. The fact is I simply found no other way around them than to believe and trust in Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Let's pray that God uses this book to give a similar realization to others.

In case you missed it, from what I’ve read so far…I recommend reading this book! As I flick ahead I see that Ayers addresses the cross and in part III looks at our position before God and the impact of the gospel. Although I still have a third of this book to go, it’s looking like a winner on the ‘good books to lend’ list. Thank you Mr Ayers! And thank you to you for reading my rambling thoughts and ponderings. I hope they have been some form of help.

1 comment:

Louise said...

"When I was in high school, struggling with my doubts again and again as a Christian, it was the evidence for the resurrection of Christ that I kept coming back to."

Me too Annabel! Being unable to get around the fact that the gospel is TRUE was key in my conversion as well. For 6 months I argued with myself and with God about whether I could deal with all the implications of becoming a Christian. In the end, the truth won out. In the 10+ years since I have had to remind myself again and again that when you strip Christianity of all the junk we laden it with, and the burdens we place on ourselves, it really just comes back to a dead man who really truly came alive again. On days when all the rest is too much to take, there is real comfort in that.

Thanks for your posts Annabel! Maybe I should actually read the book now:) Louise Keun.